Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Falling behind

It is going to be a late night. Or two. Probably three.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And more Farm Show

Today we had some great young men over to help us unload a semi truck of calf hutches and all the stuff that goes with them. And we loaded some other stuff on the truck and sent Jim the driver on his way to Tulare to unload it. I am so thankful for those young men. Without our boy here it would have been tough for Mr. R and I to do it alone, although we would have and then been incredibly sore the next few days. The girls have always been great help too - shifting and shoving those plastic houses and metal fences to the back of the truck.
Tomorrow I will start the packing - curtains, coffee cups, a big glass jar for the dinner drawing! Brochures, bags, and a toolbox full of wire, pins and a scissors (and other random stuff).
The weather channel says it's going to be 59 and sunny, but I know that those propane heaters will attract even the thickest skinned dairy farmers. Those heaters, the tents, the tables and chairs will go up tomorrow. "It's My Party" will set up the party. And we'll come in on Monday to decorate.
Hope you will come to our party!
In case you can't make it, I will post some pictures.